16 Months and Counting...

It sounds like I'm pregnant but it's not what you think. It's the number of months since I arrived at Providence College in August of 2011. Is it really possible that a year has passed and I'm into my 2nd year at PC? Yes, oh yes indeed.

Colleagues, students and friends have asked me how it's been and I can readily say that it has been really good to be here. I can also say that it has been challenging in ways unimagined. Frankly I confess that I can be a bit irritated with God when faced with a scenario that seems all too familiar. I can't help but sigh, "Really God? Again? I thought I had this!" But no, not in this way or with this person.

Sometimes I'm truly dumbfounded that I find myself in a sticky mess and yet again, I'm calling out to God with what Anne Lamott calls the "three essential prayers" - Help, Thanks, Wow.  And it's true.  It's really like that.

So how did these prayers manifest themselves this past semester?
  • The MLK Day of Service - How is this ever going to get off the ground? HELP!
  • Meeting with students one on one to talk about life. THANKS!
  • A new student organization, the Motherland Dance Group, comes to fruition. WOW!
Okay, God, another 8 months...


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