Just Sayin' Thank You

A few moments ago I was reading thank-you notes from students that had worked with over the years.  Some of these notes go back to graduate school in 1998 and others as recent as last year.  It was no surprise that I found myself tearing up and experiencing waves of gratitude for these students (and many, many others) who made my work so worthwhile and deeply rewarding.

As I reflect on those notes, I'm reminded how often I don't realize how my work is making difference for anyone let alone the world.  But it does. And it's not so much heaping accolades on me; rather it's about recognizing who I am and what I do comes from a greater purpose that goes way beyond me.

As a former boss said to me, "Save those thank you notes. You never know when you need them to be  motivated once again for what you do." And he was right.  It also reminds me how important it is to write those notes as they may make as much as a difference as they did for me only a moment ago.


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