White Like Me?

No, I'm not describing a state of being or a hoped for reality. Rather I'm talking about this semester's book group, which is now called PC Perspectives. This afternoon our group of nearly 18 students joined together to discuss Tim Wise's autobiography White Like Me.

We started with intros and sharing our motivation to be part of this group. For most, it was a desire to discuss the salient and relevant issue and reality of race and racism in our nation and on our campus. One student who is from the Ivory Coast was particularly interested in understanding why race came to be in the USA and why it still mattered. More than anything this wonderfully diverse group of students wanted to be in a space to freely express their perspective without judgment or apology.

Near the end of our discussion we broached the topic of "why aren't there any White male students here?" We all agreed that our society doesn't make it easy for a White man to enter into this conversation without being accused to be racist or feeling that he has no right to speak into the issue.

The truth is the group would welcome such students into the group especially as we're reading a book written by a White male who is sharing his unique story of identity and race in his life. And isn't what this is all about? Our stories? And even more so it's about learning to be critical thinkers and increasing one's cultural agility as well as experiencing greater ease to be with those who differ from us.

Either now or later...


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