Faith + Politics = ???

Faith and politics equals to very interesting conversations and perspectives. On Election Night, I went to a friend's home to watch the results with a small group of very engaged folks which included munching on homemade bipartisan cupcakes, sipping Kenyan "Dawa" beverages and scarfing leftover Halloween candy.

Apart from hearing clever commentary by these folks with a muted CNN, what was most invigorating was our discussion about the role of faith in politics. What I so valued is that we were even having this discussion without throwing metaphorical darts at one another. It was civil, respectful and energizing.

As much as people were predicting the demise of our nation based on whoever was elected, the conversation I had among dear friends and new acquaintances made me, yes, hopeful that we can cross the aisle in the weeks and months to come.

Fingers crossed!


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