POW in a PWI - A Start

For the next few days or weeks I'll be writing about my experiences as a former staff of color  having worked at Primarily White Institutions (PWIs). I named my posting as being a POW in a PWI to describe the experience of feeling emotionally and mentally imprisoned at a PWI. I'm particularly thinking of Japanese-Americans who were forced into internment camps in THEIR OWN COUNTRY during WWII and having to face once again the racism that came with being Asian. It is deeply disconcerting and disturbing to be seen as foreign and alien in one's own country of origin; thus the title of the blog.

This video pretty sums up my life from East Coast to West Coast and all places in between:

Disclaimer: This is not meant to discount the experiences of those who were POWs.I was once interrogated for several hours for two days by the Chinese Authorities in Wuhan, China in 1993; Even so I would not even compare my experience to those who were imprisoned during war.


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