Crying for Charleston
What happened in Charleston yesterday was horrific. There are truly no words to describe what happened except that I'm even more demoralized by the state of affairs in the US when it comes to race. Even though I'm not surprised per se because of the amount of racial hatred in the US has been on-going from the founding of this nation, I'm still shocked. Yet what is as upsetting to me is that colleges and universities that are PWIs continue to have diversity and anti-racism efforts on the sidelines at their campuses. Then they wonder why bias incidents occur and faculty of color leave. Honestly, when one campus has a student putting a swastika on another student's dorm door (who happens to be Muslim) then having a security officer tell the victim that he should be glad he's not a Jew is appalling. Another campus for which the president outright rejects his one Black faculty member's exhortation to not continue having ALL WHITE conferences and ALL WHITE speak...