Becky with the Good Hair
Last night it was interesting to listen to classmates talk about Beyonce's Lemonade especially the controversy about "Becky with the Good Hair." Most went on to say that it was racial stereotyping against White women. As I've stated in this blog before I'm often the only woman of color in the classroom in my program; however most White students don't see me as such. Anyway, all I can think is how little they understood about the history of oppression when it comes to Black women and what is considered ideal beauty in this country. Also there seemed to be lack of knowledge of the stereotyping of Black hair in all sectors of society but certainly in professional workplaces. As always, it's awkward to be the only one (again) and that when White people think no-one is listening, the things they'll say... P.S. The Daily Beast had a good posting about Iggy Azalea making the same contention. Check it out .