Looks Like A Martinez
Last night in class we watched a videotape (yes, a videotape like in a VCR) that was to highlight how we make conclusions based on first impressions, body language, and so on. Essentially it was getting at how we can and do stereotype and how that can affect our ability to assess and treat clients. The videotape was about a show episode to guess who the real person was, i.e. there was one truth teller and two posers. The person they were guessing was a Mr. Martinez who was a bilingual barber bookseller. First of all I had issues with the show itself stereotyping by having all three people being Latino and "looking" Latino. As I have already discussed being Latino (according to the US census) is a cultural marker not racial in that facial features and such do not indicate this identity. Yet, we racialize this identity as the following proves... So, we have three Latinos who are stereotypically looking Latino (olive skin, dark hair, etc.) and we find out that t...