Anti-Asian Racism and COVID-19
This morning I read this article titled " Anti-Asian Harassment Is Surging. Can Ads and Hashtags Help? With more than 2,000 incidents and little action from the federal government, efforts to curtail pandemic-related racism have fallen to P.S.A.s and social media campaigns ." I am livid. I am afraid. When this began back in March (and still in a recent tweet) with the words of the current US president calling COVID-19 the "China Virus," I was more worried about being harassed and possibly harmed due to my being AAPI than I was contracting the virus. When I brought this up during an on-line gathering at my current workplace, not one person offered a word of comfort and not one person followed up with an email saying, "Hey, I heard what you said and I'm so sorry..." When colleges and universities like to tout that they are a "family" and a "community," they forget that there are those of us that have not been welcomed in...